Click the “Donate Now” button below to sponsor by credit card, debit card or PayPal account:

To join Friends of Perch Lake, donate by check or purchase hard copies of DVDs:
- Complete the Member/Donation Form
- Mail your form and contribution to:
Friends of Perch Lake
P.O. Box 891
Hudson, WI 54016
(For DVD orders, please include a shipping address, $15 per DVD and a $5 postage fee.)
(See the Education page for information on DVDs available for order.)
Another way to help… while you surf the web!
Need to order bulbs, inkjet cartridges, or make plane reservations?
Every time you do a search, will donate a penny per search to our charity. Just type in Friends of Perch Lake and click on the verify button to have us automatically inserted in the charity box each time you access the site from that computer.
Use the Good Shop link to connect to stores that will donate a percentage of your mail order purchases. There are almost 500 stores contributing.
All of these generate funds for the capital fundraising of the Learning Center at NO COST TO YOU.